What is ozone depletion  ?

Ozone depletion, step-by-step thinning of Earth's ozone layer in the upper atmosphere caused by the release of chemical compounds containing gaseous chlorine or bromine from industry and other human activities.  

    Causes of  ozone depletion  ? 

Human activities cause ozone depletion and global warming.

Ozone depletion occurs when  CFCs  and halons—gases formerly found in aerosol spray cans and refrigerants are released in atmosphere 

     effects of  it

  Effects of ozone depletion on humans ?

Ozone layer depletion causes increased UV radiation levels at the Earth's surface, which is damaging to human health.  Bad  effects include increases in certain types of skin cancers, eye cataracts and immune deficiency disorders.

 Effects of ozone depletion  on the environment ?

The ozone layer acts as a filter, absorbing most of the sun's burning  UV  rays. Stratospheric ozone depletion leads to an increase in UV rays that reaches the earth's surface, where it can disrupt biological processes and damage a number of materials.

           How to stop it ? 

  1. Avoid the consumption of gases dangerous to the ozone layer like CFCs,halogenated hydrocarbon, methyl bromide and nitrous oxide,etc.

  2. Minimize the use of cars. 

  3. Do not use cleaning products that are harmful to the environment and to us.

  4. Buy local products. 

  5. Maintain AC, as their malfunctions cause CFC to escape into the atmosphere.




Stop ozone depletion, Save Earth


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